We provide support and advice on health, nutrition and social care to children, their families and the wider community, equipping them with the knowledge and means to lead a healthy life.


Emnac Foundation has made significant impact and increased health awareness in the communities it serves.Emnac aims to teach individuals in the community to take charge of their own health by preventing transmissions before they ever occur.


Emnac Foundation is dedicated to providing the youth, women with affordable and self-initiated HIV-prevention strategies they can use to protect their own health.We endeavour to ensure access to the best ART regimens  especially for children. Even when patients do begin ART, staying on treatment can be difficult. Emnac Foundation focuses on bringing the HIV epidemic under control though facilitating testing and treatment reach through smart, targeted approaches that are needed to break the cycle of infection. 

We strive to create an enabling environment and set up effective and innovative civil society and community groups engagement mechanisms with policy and decision makers in order to promote access to quality, equitable, and affordable HIV, TB, Malaria and other health services. We adopt rights based and gender equality approaches in advocating for legal and policy frameworks in Kawempe. 

We advocate for meaningful inclusion of civil society and community groups in national and regional policy processes in order to ensure that policies and legislations made are people centered and are not discriminative of any community group. We support and mentor advocates to effectively engage country and regional leadership in the implementation of international and regional commitments on HIV, TB, Malaria and on UHC as well as investment on sustainable financing at both national and Global levels.   



We offer social work support to the children on our programmes and their families when they face issues or challenges.


We provide vital health lessons and trainings to both our children, their families and the community.


We provide access to clean and safe drinking water for all students and staff at  school.


At  school we provide an environment that is safe, happy and conducive to learning.

Social Work Support

Often the children we support face difficulties or challenges, either individually or with their families.

Our team of social workers will follow up and offer support and advice to try and resolve any issues being faced.

This includes issues such as not attending school, personal issues, family problems and mistreatment.


If children are to learn and perform well at school, they need to be properly nourished. Therefore all children supported through education by  receive 2 nutritious meals a day. 

For some, these are the only meals in the day that they will receive.

We also maintain a water tank which provides access to clean and safe drinking water for all students and staff at school.

Health and Medical Care

 We help provide access to basic medical care for children supported.

This includes consultation and medicines for basic illnesses such as malaria, typhoid and bacterial infections.

Children who have good health have higher attendance at school and usually perform better.

Help create an Opportunity for those in need

We work to empower the vulnerable especially children so that they can grow up to be whoever they want to be.

  • Emnac Foundation
    PO Box 30144,Nakivubo Road,Kampala,Uganda
    Plot 57/58 Bombo Road,
    Kawempe Division,Uganda

  • +256703580114


All Donations and Payments made through this Website are to Emnac Group Ltd, a UK registered charity No. 13136023 which exclusively supports Emnac Foundation in Uganda

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